Not Actually Happening 28: The Praedestinatio of St. Mark
How to steal a saint in five unsurprisingly convoluted steps, as recorded in golden mosaics in Venice, and explained by art historian Letha Ch’ien.
Actually Happening 63: Anything for an Interview
Time for another round of holiday leftovers. It’s a short episode, but a fun one: we get to talk about one of the feistiest ladies of early America — and the time she stole the president’s clothes while he was…
Actually Happening 62: Stone Age Gender Politics
In which we stare at our hands, learn what a “Vibraslap” is, and try to explain why cats can now has cheezburgers.
Actually Happening 61: She Said Yes
And they went with “Alice”, not “Diamond Voldemort”. Congratulations to Dennis, Jess, Anna, and David, and a hearty welcome to Alice. We wish you the best in your future career as queen president doctor.
Actually Happening 60: Egyptian Leftovers
We’re going to be trying something different around here for the next few weeks. So while you’re still figuring out what to do with all that turkey in your fridge, enjoy Actually Happening’s “Holiday Leftovers” — favorite questions from our…
Actually Happening 59: Election Special
Recapping all the important stuff that happened in this November’s election. And by “important” we mean Biden’s wrong number calls and Big Papi winning the write-in vote for mayor of Boston. Oh yeah, and Philadelphia electing a Whig.
Actually Happening 56: Bob’s Obelisks.
In which we take a shopping trip to the strip mall of history.
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