Actually Happening 78: 95 Theses But a B—– Ain’t One
We never ask questions about Rome because we always end up talking about it anyway. This week: the invention of Y-fronts, things Martin Luther never said, and bans on porn and puns.
Actually Happening 77: That Was When Dinosaur Jesus Carried You In His Jaws
There was only one set of footprints then, but boy were they big ones. This week: sending out a CQD, a terrible energy conservation slogan, and two cats with very important jobs.
Actually Happening 76: The Great Pyramids of the Hudson Valley
It’s… been a while. Our lives have gotten in the way of goofy history for far too long. But worry not! We’re all back in town and will be back on a more regular schedule soon, so stay tuned. In the…
Actually Happening 75: Confused Elderly Grandchildren
Now with actual microphones! This week, we go Minnesota Secretary of Agriculture hunting, discover the pitfalls of bad database queries, and don’t look in the back of the fridge. And we find out two guys on an island were doing, well, exactly what you’d expect…

Actually Happening 74: Uphill Downhill
This week’s episode involves a lot of fighting (and avoiding fighting at all costs) over really weird stuff, some Norman Rockwell appreciation… and another molasses flood.

Actually Happening 72: Mildly Interesting
In which we discuss some of life’s smaller mysteries, do some literal navel gazing, and find more excuses to answer questions with the word “Space!”.

Actually Happening 70: Elephant Land Rush
The whole crew is back, and this time we’re talking Sooners, Congress, elephants and a unique detail of King Tut’s mummy.
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