Not Actually Happening 25: The Loch Ness Monster
The Loch Ness Monster is not real. Sorry. But big game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell IS.

Not Actually Happening Episode 19: The Great Disappointment
They waited. It never happened. It still hasn’t happened.

Not Actually Happening Ep. 15: The Cottingly Fairies
This week we discuss a second fake creature that Arthur Conan Doyle got mixed up in. What a weird dude.

Not Actually Happening Ep. 12 — The Island of California
This week: tales of geography gone wrong, mangled ancient philosophy, and poor choices of mascot.

Not Actually Happening Ep. 2 — Female Hysteria
We’re back with a new Not Actually Happening, another mini-episode where we get to talk about the things history got wrong and science screwed up. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we discuss the causes (and cures!) of one of…
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