We recorded all the material for this month’s shows mere hours before the Pope resigned, but clearly anything that hasn’t happened in almost 600 years is a big deal to the AH crew. So we got together on Google Hangout…

This week we put pasties on the Woman of Willendorf, send Robocop to Florence, and take Oliver Wendell Holmes’ lunch money.

Because sometimes the best way to learn about language is to make up new words.

This week we examine possible ends of the world, what Ben Franklin really wanted from the French, sentimental novels, and the striking contrasts between the modern era and the times we’re living through today.

We’re back from our holiday break with some spurious attempts at etymology by the ancient Greeks! Also Steven is leaking bits.

It’s our last holiday special, and our last episode of the year. So enjoy a handful of facts about the first (or last?) holiday of the year, and we’ll see you in January!
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