This week: mock battles turn all too real, lying about being the king of Albania, and COOL ROCKS FROM SPACE.
This week: the first thing that happened, according to the internet (there are pics) — the pitch finally drops — rogue dendrochronologist chops down the oldest tree — “archbishop and social media guru”.
This week we steal someone else’s jokes, but they’re 2,000 years old, so it’s okay. Except the ones about Napoleon. There’s no excuse for those. They’re just terrible.
Guaranteed* to contain more facts about Liechtenstein than you’ve ever heard before! We also discuss the century when everyone invented typewriters and the time we agreed to not blow up Antarctica.
“Why is no one as frightened of the ocean as I am?” “Because that war will be delicious.”
The Inquisition forgives somebody, food gets easier, dressing a girl up as Athena gets you un-banished, and a guy who thinks he’s Jesus’ younger brother orders a couple giant demon-slaying swords… and then gets shot out of a cannon. History…
It’s our usual bunch of historical nonsense: prophecies, mysterious ancient devices, and completely ignoring the topic when we don’t know anything about what we’re talking about.
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