Actually Happening 84: Pants of the Ancients
This is the last episode taped way back in the halcyon days of 2015. Yes, we’re slow to get these things out. What. Nobody’s paying for this. This ‘week’ we bring you Julia Child, voting machines, the earliest evidence of…
Actually Happening 83: It’s OK, I’m just tidying your papers
I don’t even know what schedule we’re using for these things anymore, but if you need stories of civil war badasses as much as we do, you might like this episode. We’ve also got the biggest single rock ever made…
Actually Happening 81: Too Many Camels
A new soon-to-be-broken record for the best-aged episode of Actually Happening ever! In this deeply non-topical installment we discuss the invention of the toilet showroom, biblical anachronisms, gerrymandering, and criticism of Henry VIII.
Actually Happening 80: The Right of Conquest
The shortest presidency of anything, DNA in the War of the Roses, a helicopter theft, and fictional bridges. Also the most well aged episode of Actually Happening ever released.
Actually Happening 79: A Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy, Theoretically
In which we reveal the secret Masonic origins of Actually Happening.

Actually Happening 78: 95 Theses But a B—– Ain’t One
We never ask questions about Rome because we always end up talking about it anyway. This week: the invention of Y-fronts, things Martin Luther never said, and bans on porn and puns.
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